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California Outdoor Kitchen Projects
California Contractors
Outdoor Kitchen projects in California
Looking To Build Or Replace Your Existing Deck Or Porch?

Do you have a deck that is perhaps looking a little droopy? Perhaps it is becoming splintered, or has full-on rotted. Maybe you bought the house with this rotting porch with every intention of replacing it and now's the time. If you need to rebuild your porch, you can contact a local, professional deck builder to rip the old one down and to put the new one in, as well as advise you on how to care for it properly so it stays new for as long as possible.

So what are some considerations you have to make when choosing a professional deck builder? You first want to e sure that they are a certified professional deck builder. They should have a license, experience with the type of deck you would like built, and also excellent references and referrals from family, friends, and local merchants.

Just how do you narrow down which contractor to choose? Interview them! Here are some important questions to ask:

  • How many employees and assistants do you work with?
  • How many of them will work on this project?
  • Are you insured? Bonded?
  • Do you provide written estimates?
  • Do you guarantee the price will stay within the 20% boundary?
  • What is the estimated length of time for this project?
  • Do you offer "clean-up" after the job is done?
  • Do you practice "green" practices? Are you environmentally friendly?

Once you have chosen your contractor and officially hired them, it is time to be sure to move things out of the way that may be IN the way. You also want to be sure that there is a safe entryway to your home so the workers may use your restroom. You may also want to offer drinks and coffee, and ensure that clean-up is done every day.

When the project is done, before you go and relax on that wonderful new porch, be sure to get a written warranty from your contractor that will guarantee quality workmanship on your deck, and that the materials used are of quality.

While the deck contractor is on site, be sure to ask him or her about proper deck care as well so you can be sure that you are able to keep your deck clean and new looking for as long as possible. Be sure to ask them what the maximum weight that the deck can bear is (though chances are they have already told you during the estimate) and ask about painting and staining the deck. Some stains and paints can actually ruin the deck's durability, so it is important to avoid these products.

Now get outside and enjoy that new deck!

Find Contractor Experts Near You in California

Alameda County
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Major Cities in California

Huntington Beach
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San Francisco
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Santa Rosa
El Monte
Simi Valley
Elk Grove
Thousand Oaks
Rancho Cucamonga
Garden Grove
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