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Seeding or New Sod projects in Iowa
Know Your Home Siding Options

Whatever the style or whatever your tastes, there is a home siding available to you that will compliment your home and, quite possibly, increase its market value. There is a wide array of options available to you; if you run a quick internet search or consult a local siding contractor, you will undoubtedly find something that you find appropriate for your home.

Brick siding is one of the most popular choices, and it certainly deserves to be so. Not only is brick very durable, but it is truly timeless and can complement the exterior of almost all homes. If you choose the traditional heavy brick siding, you just must be sure that your home's foundation is strong enough to support it. If your house structure cannot handle the weight, or if you want to simply avoid a lot of the work involved with real brick siding, look into choosing faux brick patterns or a brick facade. These can be installed quite easily and with little work.

Stone siding is another popular choice, as it is truly a charming addition to any home. It is even more durable than bricks, and can quite possibly last for centuries (notice how buildings built with stone from Roman and Grecian times are built from stone). The drawback to stone siding is that it can be quite expensive, though one should look at stone siding as a real investment to a home as it will also add value to your home.

If your budget does not allow for natural stone, do not shy away from the alternatives, such as cultured stone or "synthetic" stone. These both come in a number of color choices and different finishes.

Metal siding is made of either steel (stronger) or aluminum (more prone to denting but more economical). It is energy efficient, comes in several different finishes (including wood finishes), colors, and you can also choose your metal siding based on your budget. You can easily customize the metal siding that you choose.

Vinyl siding is more durable than metal siding, as it does not dent nor does it rust. It comes in a number of colors, and it is a great option for those who want a low-maintenance siding. Cleaning the vinyl siding only involves a brief blast from your garden hose or a power washer, which you can easily do if you are out and watering the garden anyways. You can find vinyl siding in a number of shapes and it also does have insular properties.

Lastly, you may want to consider the traditional wood siding. Wood siding comes in a number of shapes and finishes - from shake to clapboard, to even Victorian "gingerbread". Wood siding is a great choice for those who are trying to make their home appear very artistic. Not only that, but if you decide to paint your home, a wood siding can easily be painted over to math your home's appearance.

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