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Rodents and Animal Removal projects in Illinois
Pest Control, Extermination, And Fumigation

Unfortunately, just about every home has some unseen and unwanted tenants. Whether its rodents, or ants, or even pests that can destroy the home, like termites - these creatures live inside the home along with the human family that rightfully resides there.

It’s a good thing that pest control services are so easy to find in just about any area in the country. Here are some tips for keep an eye out for signs that an exterminator might be necessary. Hopefully, any problems can be fixed before they become expensive or destructive.

Termites - These pests are truly dangerous to any structure. It doesn’t take much time for them to really weaken the structure of a house. Termites thrive on moisture and they make tunnels to get to it. Look for the mud tubes that indicate the passage of burrowing termites. These are easy to spot – look for brown tubes that look something like a pen or a pencil. The tubes are often found on the exterior walls, down in the basement, or on support beams or crawl spaces. These tubes are the sign of terrible damage, or the potential for damage, so call an exterminator immediately.

Inspect the wood of the house and make sure none of it is rotted or rotting. Rotten wood is a favorite of termites and its best to get this repaired or replaced with new wood as soon as possible.

Rodents - Rats and mice are very common unwelcome tenants. The first sign of rodents is often their waste left behind anywhere they can find food, or on any surface they travel along while searching for food.

The sign of rats or mice in the home almost always means that’s just the beginning. The case is rare when it is just one lone rodent. And if it is, that may change rapidly without professional intervention. Pest control services can keep the house rodent free, if used regularly, preventing the fouling of food and the spread of disease.

Ants - It is easy to find an ant infestation. They make long lines of themselves from their lair to whatever food source they happen to find. Once they find food, they are almost impossible to get rid of. Depending on the type of ant involved, it may take a different solution to remove them.

Most types of ants bite, and some of these bites, like those of fire ants, can be extremely painful.

It is important to get rid of an ant infestation as soon as it is spotted. Ant colonies grow rapidly and once they find a source of food, they are not going to leave of their own accord.

Wasps - Wasps are clearly a danger when they have a nest near someone’s home. When there is a real infestation, it is sometimes possible to hear buzzing inside the walls. Make a visual inspection to be sure that there is no hive or swarm inside or around the house.

When it comes to aggression, few wasps can match the yellow jacket. They often live inside the walls and build their nests in darker portions of the house, like the attic, crawl spaces, or under the eaves.

These pests are quite dangerous. Yellow jackets and wasps can and do sting a victim repeatedly, and tend to be easily agitated. It is possible to be hospitalized after such an attack. A professional exterminator is a necessity to be rid of these insects. Do not attempt to remove them without professional help under any circumstances.

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