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Kentucky Complete Bathroom Remodel

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Kentucky Complete Bathroom Remodel Projects
Kentucky Contractors
Complete Bathroom Remodel projects in Kentucky
Important Tips For Bathroom Remodeling And Construction In Kentucky

Is there any room in the house more frequented than the bathroom? You go through your morning ritual of showering, shaving and whatever else you need to do every single morning - in the bathroom. And of course you probably have a nighttime ritual you follow, and no doubt visit this room many other times during the day and maybe even in the middle of the night! Since you spend so much time there, doesn't it make sense that this room should be as attractive and functional as it can possibly be?

Having a bathroom contractor redo this area of your home is an investment that can and should increase its value. When you take on this project, you can think about not just improving its cosmetics but also improving the energy efficiency as well.

Here are some important tips to consider if you're going to hire a bathroom remodeler for your home:

  • A good moisture sensing exhaust fan can come on automatically when there is too much steam in the room, clear it out quickly, and then shut off automatically when the job is done.
  • Low flow shower heads can save a tremendous amount of water, and some come with timers so that you can be aware of how much time you're spending, and possibly wasting, in the shower.
  • Installing low flow toilets can save water also. It's surprising how much water is wasted in typical flushes of the toilet!
  • Deep sinks can mean keeping splashed water off other areas and so they suffer less damage.
  • When considering colors for the bathroom, stick with neutrals that will last a lifetime and add some brighter colors with towels and accessories.
  • When installing new fixtures, remember that the more parts they have, the more they can break and need replacing.
  • Be selective of your flooring and choose materials that withstand the heat and steam of the bathroom.
  • Install shutoff valves on each fixture of the bathroom, meaning not just the toilet but the sink and shower as well.

Here are some tips for finding a bathroom contractor in Kentucky.

  • Referrals from friends and family should be your first choice, especially if they've just had work done in their own home.
  • Real estate agents can also offer referrals, as can supply stores.
  • The internet can provide many names and numbers, and then it's up to you to select the right person for the job.

Here are some tips to make your bathroom remodeling project go as smoothly as possible:

  • Every estimate should be in writing and it should include the amount of time it will take to complete the job as well. If there are delays, the contract should spell out what happens at that point, including deductions from the price.
  • You should also be aware of the contractor's schedule for each day, including everyone's breaks so that you can know what to expect every day.
  • This should also tell you when the water will be shut off in your home.

Of course larger bathroom remodeling projects will take a longer period of time, and delays almost always happen with remodeling projects no matter what. If however you think that are excessive delays, there's no reason you can't communicate your concerns to your contractor so that it's done correctly but also within a reasonable amount of time.

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