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Missouri Faux Finishes and Murals Projects
Missouri Faux Painters
Faux Finishes and Murals projects in Missouri
Change Things Up With A Faux Finish Paint Job

So you're tired of your matte cream colored walls. You have been looking around on the internet for different and interesting paint selections; or maybe you have a stack of interior decorating magazines and have seen something truly unique: painted walls that look like marble! Or perhaps they look like suede, or stucco, or any other number of surfaces and textures that you had no idea were possible.

You may have also read some sort of "do it yourself" guide on how to achieve these looks yourself, but who are you kidding? You are by no means artistically inclined whatsoever! The thought of running out and trying to find the right tools to accomplish these looks can also be quite time consuming.

If you want the job done right, it is time to call up a professional painter who is familiar with the methods and techniques to help you achieve the look that YOU want for your room. When shopping around for a painter to hire, there are some things that you definitely need to consider:

  • Be sure that the faux finish you choose out is not simply an impulse choice. Not only are these jobs more labor intensive and time consuming, they are also as a result more costly. Not only that, but you may not be happy with that "suede" look in a week. Really think hard about your choice and how you will be designing the rest of the room before jumping on to your faux paint choice.
  • Understand that faux finish paint jobs can very well require extra care, even once the job is done.
  • CHECK REFERENCES! There are a number of painters out there, several of which will "claim" that they have experience doing faux paint jobs. This is an art; you want to hire on the right artist to complete this job. Some painters will say they know how to do it, when really they just mess around on your walls with a sponge and make a horrible mess of everything.

Once you find a contractor that you are happy with, then it's time to get the job started!

Be sure that, before the job is started, you remove all furniture and fixtures from the room. Take down all paintings, and even consider removing any nails or picture hanging equipment to guarantee a flawless job.

While the painter is performing the job, all you need to do is offer refreshments, let them know where your washroom is, and provide some trash bags so that they may easily dispose of any refuse. You should not have to do any clean up once the crew is out of your home.

When Faux Finished Walls may be Right for You

If you have a wall that has several flaws, or even minor flaws, such as cracking, dents, or chips, a faux finish of marble or stucco can easily conceal these defects. Some walls are just too rough to be sanded, so a faux finish would be a good choice for these walls as well.

Find Faux Painter Experts Near You in Missouri

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Major Cities in Missouri

Jefferson City
Saint Louis
Kansas City
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