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Mowing and Yard Maintenance projects in Abbeville County, South Carolina
How To Hire A Decorator Painlessly

So you have decided that your home may need a bit of a "make over". Or maybe you are looking at purchasing a new home, and you want to know how an interior decorator can transform this home into something that shows your personality. With the amount of time and money that you will be putting into this project, there is no doubt that you need to take your time to interview and select the interior decorator that is right for you.

What you will first want to do is to find some good quality interior decorators. You will want a minimum of two names, though ideally you should have closer to 5 names. You can then compare the prices that they offer, you can see what their style choices are, and also see which ones have a personality you can work with. You can find some good quality interior decorators by asking friends, family and neighbors who have had work done recently; you can call up real estate companies and other contractors for names of decorators that they are happy with and that do good work; and you can perform quick Internet searches for names and reviews.

With so many choices, just who do you eliminate? You want to be sure to steer clear from anyone who does not have complete and updated information available. You also want them to have quite a bit of experience, perhaps some schooling, and to have valid references and photos of their completed work.

Once you have slashed some names from your list, it's time to carry on with the interview process. It is important to ask them what their favorite part of interior decorating is, and perhaps what their favorite color or design is (this gives you an idea of how well your and their style ideas will meld). Ask them about where they find their inspiration, and what they consider to be the most important part or aspect of a room.

If you are satisfied with those answers, now comes some negotiating. How decorators charge home owners varies; some have a "flat rate scale", while others will give you an estimated price based on the actual job, the amount of work they will be performing and what is being worked upon.

TIP: if you are a bit budget conscious, and need more than one room made over, try negotiating a lower rate if you are offering them more work. Many will offer discounted rates.

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