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Bunker Hill, West Virginia Heater Repair and Maintenance Projects
Bunker Hill, West Virginia Contractors
Heater Repair and Maintenance projects in Bunker Hill, West Virginia
Install A Heat Pump: Heat Pump Contractors In Bunker Hill, West Virginia

A heat pump can be added to your existing unit to make it run more efficiently. In most cases it is installed along with a new furnace, but can be added to an older furnace in some cases. These include:

  • If the furnace is less than ten years old
  • The furnace is in excellent working condition
  • There have been no major mechanical failures or other problems
  • It has run reliably the whole time since installation
  • It has been regularly and consistently maintained

Deciding whether to add a heat pump to your old furnace or to replace the entire unit is a very serious decision. Even though you may have a specific brand you mind, ask your certified contractor about top HVAC brands such as Carrier, Bryant, Goodman, Amana, and Trane. Your heat pump contractor will know best, but consider if he may have ulterior motives. Some furnace dealers are licensed contractors, and might just try to sell you more than what you actually need. Other contractors only have your best interest in mind, and if they suggest an entire new system, you should consider it.

Hiring any expert in any field takes time and comparison. Do some research to find the most qualified at affordable prices. This is a big decision and should be entered into lightly. Select a few of the best heat pump contractors in and around Bunker Hill, West Virginia and then ask about:

  • Professional referrals from trusted and reputable general contractors
  • Verify references and referrals from supply stores
  • Verify referrals from heat pump and furnace dealers
  • Customer referrals and references

Other places you might want to check for heating experts:

  • Advertisements in fliers or newspapers
  • Yellow Pages
  • Internet searches, company web sites and referral sites, on-line yellow pages

Narrow down your list to about four or five reputable companies and ask for a free estimate. If a company does not give free estimates, strike them off your list. From the ones remaining, ask the following questions:

  • Are you licensed and authorized to work in Bunker Hill, West Virginia
  • Are you and your crew insured
  • Is your work guaranteed
  • Do you belong to a trade union or other professional organization
  • Are you a member of the Better Business Bureau
  • Is your crew licensed or certified

Once the job is complete and thoroughly checked and tested, ask the contractor if he may have any tips for proper maintenance and care of the heat pump. Anything that will make you unit last longer and work better.

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