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Fort Stewart, Georgia Kitchen Remodeling Projects
Fort Stewart, Georgia Kitchen Remodeling Contractors
Kitchen Remodeling projects in Fort Stewart, Georgia
Kitchen Remodeler: The Kitchen Of Your Dreams In Your Fort Stewart, Georgia Home

If you could remodel only one room in your home, which would it be? Most people would say the kitchen. The kitchen is the heart of your home. You cook here. In many cases, you eat here. And no matter where the party happens to be, everyone seems to always congregate in the kitchen. Here are some tips to getting the most value out of your kitchen remodeling project.

Why hire a professional?

  • A professional can get the work done correctly and quickly due to years of experience.
  • Can most likely buy materials at a contractor discount
  • Trained, certified and maybe even licensed to do the work
  • Is insured against injuries and accidents

Where to start on the job:

  • If your cabinets are in pretty good shape, you might consider re-facing or refinishing instead of replacing them
  • If you are putting in a new floor, synthetic flooring is a good alternative since it is cheaper and better for the environment
  • Use you space wisely. Unless you are knocking out walls or building on, you will never magically double the size of your kitchen, but careful planning can make it seem like you did.
  • Know the pros and cons of the kitchen materials that you are considering.
  • Talk green with the contractor doing the remodeling.

Nowadays there are many attractive green options. Encourage the remodeler to incorporate green products and solutions as much as possible.

  • Consider cork flooring- it is easy to install, very durable, cleans up easily, resistant to insect infestations and provides insulation. Due to its cushioning material it is more comfortable to stand on for long periods at a time. Specially treated cork flooring is also fire resistant.
  • Bamboo flooring is another attractive choice in the world of green. Many people claim it is better looking than hardwood, easier to clean and never needs polishing. Plus, it is renewable. Bamboo can mature in as little as five years and once cut, it re-grows automatically without the need for replanting.
  • Your contractor could also know of outlets that provide recycled materials. Even though a certain set of cupboards didn't one person, does not mean they will not go perfectly in your kitchen. Kitchen counters tops can be the trickiest solutions to find. Consider a blend of several different materials that complement each other.
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