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28613, North Carolina Heater Repair and Maintenance Projects
28613, North Carolina Contractors
Heater Repair and Maintenance projects in 28613, North Carolina
Install A Central Air Conditioner: Finding A Professional In 28613, North Carolina

Summer presents a big dilemma: do you want to spend the next few months slowly melting away or are you ready to take a plunge and install a central air conditioner? Sure, you could get a window unit or set up fans all over the house, but that is ineffective and non efficient. A central air conditioner, when not set too low, can be very efficient and most definitely effective. The air travels throughout your duct work keeping your whole house nice and cool. So, if you find your furniture too hot sit on, it might be time to get central air.

Now you need to find a professional installer. A central air conditioning system is not a do-it-yourself job. You need a trained and licensed professional. If you know someone who has hired one, ask them what they thought. Otherwise, check the yellow pages and interview a few different contractors before making a final decision. Questions you should ask include:

  • Are you a certified and licensed HVAC expert?
  • Are you authorized and licensed to work in 28613, North Carolina?
  • How long has your company been in business in 28613, North Carolina?
  • May I contact your references?
  • Do you provide a contract, written estimates and a guarantee of work preformed?
  • How long will the project take?

Do you need help deciding which brand air conditioner to purchase? Our contractors can help you choose a top brand that is right for you: Trane, Carrier, Goodman, Bryant, or Amana. After hiring the contractor that you feel is right for you, there are some very important safety measures to adhere to. To get the project completed without harm or incident and one time, you should:

  • Keep children and pets away from the work area and out of the line of traffic the workers need to travel for supplies, etc.
  • Keep the line of traffic clean and clear of any obstacles
  • Find out about any other special needs the crew might require during the project.

After the installation is complete ask the HVAC expert for any tips or suggestions. Such as how often the filters should be changed, how often the duct work should be cleaned and checked for leaks, etc.

For many years of happy cooling, don't abuse your system. Keep the outside unit clear of fallen branches, leaves and any other debris and properly care for and maintain the entire system.

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