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Tile Contractors in 38570, TN

38570, TN Tile Contractors for all your Tiling needs.

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38570, Tennessee Tiling Projects
38570, Tennessee Tile Services
Tiling projects in 38570, Tennessee
Unique Tile Choices For Every Home

Ever think that your home could use a bit of a "touch up" or a new design that will may visitors "ooo" and "aww" when they enter your house? Having a truly beautiful and stunning focal point in any home is a great way to redesign your home, especially when using tiling.

Tiling is anything but boring. You can actually find some great tiles that are created from recycled materials; if you are having problems locating these types of tiles, try contacting your local tile contractors for some guidance.

Here are some of the recycled tile choices available to you:

  • Fireclay Tiles are tiles that are formed by using half post consumer material, such as recycled windowpanes, dust, granite, and even recycled pop bottles. You cannot even tell that these materials are being used in the creation of these tiles, which may or may not make the buyer of the tiles happy. If you wish that the recycled materials were apparent in the tiles, do be assured that those materials are there and feel good about helping the environment.
  • Eco Domo's Recycled Leather Tiles are truly a unique sort o tile. As the name suggests, these durable tiles are made from recycled leather. Don't be fooled, though; these tiles do not have to actually appear as leather. They come in a variety of rich, saturated colors and textures, making them a great choice for the more dramatic rooms in the home (such as a study).
  • Oceanside Glass tile creates beautiful and astounding products that are made from a multitude of recycled glass materials. These tiles are perhaps the most stunning of all of the recycled tiles, and they are perfect when used to create mosaics.
  • Fortis Arbor's Wood Tiles are unique tiles that are made from renewable wood sources, as well as wood scraps that are otherwise unusable. You can find these tiles in several shapes and finishes, such as rosewood and even maple.

You may also want to consider using art tile, particularly if you are looking to create a mosaic pattern. If you are looking for some other unique tile choices, consider the following:

  • Mexican tiles are hand painted in almost every color, and can be used as accents for almost any decor or motif in a home. You can also find Mexican tiles that have patterns or designs painted on them. Due to how bright and beautiful this tile is, you often do not need to purchase a whole lot of it to make an impact.
  • Moorish tile is fantastic when used with more intricate mosaic patterns. Moorish tiles contain shape sand lines that make them absolutely stunning.
  • English Victorian tile appears as a handmade tile that works very well in any room that has a Victorian-era motif, or this tile even looks fantastic in modern settings.
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