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98233, WA Small Home Projects And Repairs

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98233, Washington Small Home Projects And Repairs Projects
98233, Washington Repairs Contractors
Small Home Projects And Repairs projects in 98233, Washington
Using General Contractors For Small Home Projects And Repairs

Homeowners often have needed to finish small projects or have some little repairs down around the house. Not every homeowner has the time or ability to enact these, however. Contractors have the skills and the tools to help with small projects and repairs, fixing the little things before they become bigger problems.

Small Home Projects and Repairs Around the Home

Even the newest home will need service or maintenance at some point, perhaps even in the first year. A good rule of thumb is to get all the work done about twice a year. Following are just a few of the small jobs a general contractor can perform.

Rekey Locks – There are as many different kinds of locks as there are kinds of homes. In fact, some homes have different locks for different doors in the house. Instead being forced to find the key to both the doorknob and the deadbolt out in the cold or the rain, a homeowner could call a contractor. Having a uniform lock on every door in the house makes everything easier.

Correct Squeaks and Leaks – Many houses have that stair that always creaks, or a loose noisy floorboard, or a sink that just won’t ever completely shut off. A contractor can fix these problems in a matter of minutes.

Cosmetic Work – Repainting some bedrooms or adding some molding to the dining room walls are both jobs a general contractor can do and do well. These jobs can be done by amateurs, but there is always the risk of doing it wrong because of the lack of some essential knowledge – then a contractor will have to be called in anyway.

Install New Light Fixtures and Fans – These can be challenging, and even dangerous, for those who do not have any electrical expertise. Professional help is likely going to be a necessity.

Install and Replace Garage Door Openers – Something as simple as a garage door opener can make life a whole lot easier. It can be trying to have get out of the car and open the garage door when there are kids involved. Even if there are none to consider, it is a great saver of time and energy. A general contractor can help with installation of this and any other security additions associated with it.

Deal with Garbage Disposals – A broken garbage disposal is not only no fun at all to deal with or work with, it can be dangerous to repair. These tend to need regular service, so use professional help to prevent a big mess – or the risk of electrocution.

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