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25512, West Virginia Seeding or New Sod Projects
25512, West Virginia Contractors
Seeding or New Sod projects in 25512, West Virginia
The Installation Of Asphalt Shingles

Many people trust the integrity of their roofs to asphalt shingles. A shingle contractor can help a prospective buyer decide what kind of shingle is best for any particularly home, right down to the shape and color of the shingles.

The Two Types of Asphalt Shingles

  • Fiberglass – These are made, of course, of fiberglass in the center, then coated with hard asphalt. The fiberglass core makes them lighter than the other type of shingle, and also more resistant to fire.
  • Organic Mat – The core of these shingles are a fiber mat of cellulose, made from wood. The mat is saturated with soft asphalt, then covered in harder asphalt, creating a heavy but flexible shingle.

The Lifespan of Asphalt Shingles

There are many details that go into determining how long a roof will last before repair or replacement is needed. A roofing contractor can give an more accurate quote than simply relying upon whatever warranty has been placed upon the shingles themselves. A warranty from the manufacturer could claim a lifespan of twenty to forty-five years, but roofing contractors generally agree that those are not accurate.

The lifespan of asphalt shingles varies from ten to twenty-five years, dependent upon such things as the weather and the quality of the shingles themselves. It is possible to replace individual shingles in a patchwork manner, but it will be noticeable, reducing the beauty of the home, and it will eventually all have to be replaced eventually anyway.

Anyone planning to stay with a house for a long period of time, with no plans for major renovation, should get the best roof possible. Older homes will need major renovation – lower priced asphalt shingles will do for such projects. A roofing contractor can make this decision a great deal easier. Their expertise and knowledge of roofing will be a valuable resource when deciding just how to shingle the roof.

Asphalt and Other Materials

The reason why so many roofs have asphalt shingles is that they are both, easy to work with and inexpensive. Other materials, like slate, steel, or tin last much longer than asphalt, but they need to be maintained just like any other shingle.

A lot of it comes down to personal taste. Only the homeowner can truly determine what is right for the home, improving not only the appearance of the house, but the entire neighborhood.

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